From Sanrio, the makers of Hello Kitty, comes Aggretsuko, a Netflix original animated show about a mild-mannered red panda office worker named Retsuko who unwinds after work by singing death metal karaoke as her alter-ego, Aggretsuko! This 12” plush version of Aggretsuko features her fully transformed and mid-scream while destressing from the pressures of the workday! Plush material is surface washable and suitable for ages one and up.
- RAGING AGGRETSUKO PLUSH: This 12” plush version of Aggretsuko features her fully transformed and mid-scream while destressing from the pressures of the workday!
- SOFT & HUGGABLE: Made from a soft, huggable material that meets famous GUND quality standards, this plush toy features surface-washable construction for easy cleaning. Appropriate for ages 1 & up.
- THE PERFECT GIFT: Our plush dolls, teddy bears, & stuffed animals make perfect gifts for birthdays, baby showers, baptisms, Easter, Valentine's Day & more! The perfect gift for fans of Aggretsuko, Sanrio, and Japanese cartoons!
- QUALITY CUDDLES: Known for quality, soft, huggable plush designs & gifts, our award-winning bears & toys appeal to all ages, from infants & toddlers to adults, perfect for play, collecting & cuddling.
- Includes: 1 GUND plush